Curriculum vitae

+1 (626) 578-5145

PhD Candidate in Intercultural Studies

Fuller Theological Seminary

135 N. Oakland Ave, Pasadena CA 91182


Curriculum vitae

+1 (626) 578-5145

PhD Candidate in Intercultural Studies

Fuller Theological Seminary

135 N. Oakland Ave, Pasadena CA 91182


I finished my data collection in July 2023 and am now writing my dissertation. (See the recruiting blurb blog post below for what I was working on). Also, an article is awaiting publication any time now, as soon as the copy-editor makes some changes I requested to their table format. 

My overall impression of my data was that many people in the interactions I looked at are “standing up for Truth” as they see it, a good number are “speaking out against injustice,” but none that I could find were doing anything I could clearly identify as loving their neighbor (in a way identifiable as such by the neighbor)! (There were plenty explaining why “speaking the truth” as they see it was actually the most loving thing they could do; but that was received as hate, not love, by the recipients.)


Mouw Fellowship

Fostering conversation between the social sciences and theology


Aug 31, 2023

A recruiting blurb that didn't work

This was the recruiting blurb I used (completely unsuccessfully!) to recruit research participants. Instead, I ended up just using actual social media interactions. I preserve users' confidentiality by excluding all metadata that could lead to them bei...

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Jan 20, 2023

Ad campaign began 18 Jan with the image below


Jun 9, 2022

Privacy is important

I take people’s privacy seriously. So, even though posts on public pages are open to anyone, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the people who made the posts want “what they have entered online” to “become [a researcher’s] data unbeknownst to them,” as...

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